Lola Montez

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It has been said that Lola built a far greater reputation off the stage, than on it. She crossed Europe leaving behind Emperor Ludwig I, three husbands, and scores of lovers. To take advantage of her attributes,m she came to California to enjoy the rewards of the gold rush.

She loved the latest fashions, cigars, animals, and exotic birds. At one time she even owned a bear. Aside from her personal life. which kept her in resonable luxury; the stage was the only profession she knew. She was a failure as as actress and dancer, although her Dance thrilled many. In the twilight of her career she introduced dramatic reading. The critics reports were so bad she finally retired to Grass Valley, California. She became restless, however, and sailed away to Australia, another Gold Rush, and another man.

This engraved history is on a copper plate on the rear of the bronze.



All images © Angie Whitson, All Rights Reserved Worldwide